About # Beyond The Bridges
This is the first year for BTB. I am editing a feature documentary about my 60+ miles of floating and fishing down the Milwaukee River. The site is built out and fully functioning. So, I took the time to shoot this short documentary in Port Washington. This video is really a test of a style and tone I've been working toward. I call it experiential storytelling. It's immersive and embraces a more poetic narrative. My goal with BTB is to cut through all the noise and provide a more meditative look at the world we live in.
Subscribe Now For An Invite - The Beyond The Bridges documentary will premiere late winter. I'm hoping for a local showing and an online premiere.
The Port Washington Short Story:
I watch as the salmon jump and tease me… dance around and ignore my bait. I watch others catch their limit and as the sun drops behind the town Casting a red glow out over the lake I am skunked this time out. But I’m not going home empty. My evening in Port is serene The lapping of the waves against the rocks Vacuum out my mind and I go home in peace. I didn’t have to hit the road to visit I drove from one town over. For this I am grateful. I came to catch fish. I have caught so many this year It’s easy to make this the only reason I buy the gear Get the permission Take the time And step out into nature. Just look around. The colors. The sounds. It a feast that sets my mind right and this is the true catch. This is what I must take home. There will be next times after next times. More fish will be caught. Today I am grateful just to be here. To take all this in and go home happy and content. - Mark Brent
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