Video consumption is at an all-time high. Every blog article on this subject defines what a successful video strategy looks like and how you might achieve that success. With over 15 years of producing videos for businesses, I've found that these seven don'ts are just as crucial to achieving success with your video marketing strategy.

1) Don't make the video for you. Create a video for your audience. Produce a video for your customers
Learn what people want from you and produce that video. Too often, we present the video full of everything we want to get out there to people. This kind of video only works for a small percent of the market. There is a whole science around this; however, breaking it down, it's not about you, make it about them. There is a caveat to this item: when you start you likely won't know exactly what your audience wants. So, put yourself in the shoes of others and make what you like until you learn what people want from you.
2) Don't make video production only about budget
This point is simple. The budget is important. However, producing video entirely to meet budget requirements means you'll only make something you can afford. You'll likely not create the video your video marketing strategy needs to succeed and meet expectations. Strategize. Plan your production, and if your budget is out of reach, go back to the strategy phase and come up with another more producible idea. Make the video you need.

Strategize. Plan your production, and if your budget is out of reach, go back to the strategy phase and come up with another more producible idea. Make the video you need.
3) Don't ignore the importance of a solid strategy
Most people shoot video without any planning. They take numerous steps to write it as they edit it. This process requires many re-edits. They then decide that their original intention won't work. They change their marketing goals and expectations to meet the current video's likely message. These marketers and producers then wonder why the video didn't perform or accomplish much of anything. Strategize. Plan. Re-Strategize. Complete the Plan. Then produce the video or videos you need to reach your goals.
4) Don't make a video, create a campaign
It costs so much to start up the video production process. Produce a campaign instead of a single video. You'll get more for your resources and efforts. Engagement across all your platforms and over many engagement points will get more conversions.
5) Don't copy, or "suckerfish”
We copy others because we see their success, and we want that success in our video marketing strategy. Warning! Just because others had success doesn't mean you will find success with the same approach. Your business is likely different, and your market may not be the same. Take the time to learn what made their effort work and find your version of that formula.

Warning! Just because others had success doesn't mean you will find success with the same approach.
6) Don't try to do too much in one video
Video performs better when it works to accomplish one thing. I have seen others fall into this trap. I have fallen into it, as well. When you try to make a single video say and share to many points, the video becomes about too much and stands for nothing. In the end, these videos are the ones that viewers click away from because they were hard to follow.
7) Don't fall into the trap of quick-fix solutions
Video is too essential and too unique to your business needs to be something a Video Marketing Service can just kick out to you for a few bucks. Even simple 90-second social media videos require a strategy and planning to ensure that they accomplish what you need them to achieve. The shorter the video, the more you need to script and strategize to get your message effectively distilled down. No such thing as an easy video project.
Beyond The Bridges is my sandbox for doing the content marketing solutions I advise to others. Feel free to take time to check out this lifestyle blog and video channel.